Primary Election


May 21, 2024


Primary Election 〰️ May 21, 2024 〰️

your voting plan Guide

You’ve got options! You can vote early or vote on election day!

In-person Voting Plan

  • Not sure if you’re already registered?

    Check here.

    Need to register to vote?

    Register here.

    *Note. Online voter registration ends April 26th.

  • When voting, you have to go to a specific location based on where you are registered to vote.

    Find out where you vote.

  • You can preview what or who is going to be on your ballot so you can prepare beforehand.

    View your ballot

    Research tips:

    • Look up candidates, most will have a website, and you can see their platform.

    • Google them. This could give you insight into what this person is like.

    • Look for them on social media. Most will have some type of presence, and you can see what they stand for.

    • Check out your local newspapers or organizations. They may offer voter guides.

  • Voters have two options when voting in person. You can either vote early or on election day.

    Voting Early:

    • May 6th - 17th, 8 am - 5 pm

    Election Day:

    • May 21st, 8 am - 8 pm

    *Note: If you are in the line to vote before 8 pm, stay in line. You can still vote.

  • Seriously, right now. Putting your chosen voting day in your calendar will help you remember, and therefore, you’ll be more likely to vote in the Primary Election.

    So, pick your day and put it on your calendar. 😎